Rockbridge County Schools
Transportation Department
626 Waddell Street
Lexington, VA 24450
Randy Walters, Chief Operations Officer randy_walters@rockbridge.k12.va.us
Kirstie Campbell, Supervisor kirstie_campbell@rockbridge.k12.va.us
Tracy Dunlap, Assistant tracy_dunlap@rockbridge.k12.va.us
School Bus Driver Training Class
Rockbridge County Schools Transportation Department will be holding a school bus driver training class. If you are interested, please call 540-463-5437 to sign up or sign up below.
Date: September 30-October 3 & October 7 & 8 if needed
Time: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: Transportation Office, 210 Greenhouse Road, Lexington, VA
School Bus Training Class Sign up
Activity Bus Schedule
Mon-Thurs (no Fri)
Starting August 14, 2024
Activity Runs are designed to get students to specific locations in Rockbridge County close to their homes. Students must have rides from their drop off locations.
Bus Activity Run Schedule's can be viewed by clicking the link below:
Students must sign up using the link below by 2:00pm each day.
Bus Routes
2024-25 student bus information is available to view on MyRideK12.
Bus schedule information can be viewed using a new Transportation Software program called My Ride K-12.
You must register before you can retrieve your student's transportation. Your Username will be your Student's ID number and the password is the student's date of birth (ex:01012021 no forward slashes /).
My Ride K-12 APP may be downloaded on your mobile device through the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
My Ride-K12 may also be accessed by clicking on the link below along with instructions on how to register on the website or the App.
REMEMBER: You must register before you can retrieve your student's transportation
My Ride K-12 registration instructions
If there is no bus information under the student's name, please contact the Transportation office to set it up. If you have bus information and do not need bus transportation, please contact the Transportation office.
Maury River Middle and Rockbridge County High School Bus Parking Diagrams
MRMS PM 1st Wave Bus Parking Diagram