Rockbridge County Public Schools will offer FREE breakfast and lunch for children ages 1-18 years old throughout the summer. The program will run Monday through Thursday beginning Monday, June 7th and ending Thursday, August 5th. There will be a 1 week break from July 5th – July 8th. 1 breakfast/1 lunch will be handed out per child per day at the site you choose on the order form below. This is a pick-up only system. There will be no home deliveries.
The meal order form will be available on the Rockbridge County Public Schools website beginning Monday, May 31. Meals are ordered one week in advance. The form will open at 8:00 AM each Monday and close at 12:00 PM each Friday. Late orders cannot be accepted. Pick-up sites may change due to participation levels.
The order form must be completed on a weekly basis. Please note: Maury River Middle School is the only site offering meals Monday through Thursday. We will offer meals one day a week at the following sites: Glasgow Library (Mondays), Goshen Library (Tuesdays), The Village at Rockbridge, formerly Valley View Apartments, (Wednesdays), and Willow Lake Trailer park entrance (Thursdays).