- Rockbridge County Public Schools
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McKinney - Vento
Who is considered homeless?
Title IX, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act defines homelessness as living in the following places due to a lack of a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
- In an emergency or transitional shelter
- In a motel, hotel, or campground due to lack of an adequate alternative
- In a car, park, public place, bus or train station, or abandoned building
- Doubled up with relatives or friends due to loss of housing or economic hardship
- In the above conditions and is a migratory child or youth
- Further descriptions of nighttime residence
This definition of homelessness applies to children and youth with:
- Uncertain housing
- A temporary address
- No permanent physical address
Children and youth living in these settings meet criteria for the McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness and have special educational rights.
Where can a child or youth without a fixed, regular, and adequate residence attend school?
- The school the child or youth attended before becoming homeless or was last enrolled (school of origin)
- The school in the attendance area where the child or youth is currently living
How can delays be avoided when enrolling a student experiencing homelessness in school?
- Enroll the student immediately
- Contact the previous school and ask that the records be sent electronically or shared over the phone
- Contact the principal, school counselor, or local homeless education liaison with any concerns
- Contact the local homeless education liaison to support unaccompanied youth when enrolling in school
Division Liaison
Holly Ferguson
2893 Collierstown Road
Lexington, Virginia 24450
Work: 540-463-7386 ext. 21235
Fax: 540-463-7823; cell: 540-784-5014
E-mail: holly_ferguson@rockbridge.k12.va.usProject Hope State Representative
Dr. Patricia Popp
PO Box 8759
Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795
757-221-4002 Toll Free: 877-455-3412
TDD: 757-221-2302 Fax: 757-455-3412
E-mail: homlss@wm.edu