- Rockbridge County Public Schools
- Parent/Student Tech Support
Logging In For K-2nd Grade
Students in Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade
will use their Clever badge to login.
Click on Computer Icon for a
quick demonstration.
Logging Into Chromebook and Clever Homepage
Students will login to Chromebook using a Clever Badge or username/password.
Once logged in, the Clever homepage will appear to help
guide the student to instruction.
Click on Computer Icon for a demonstration.
Checking Your Internet Connection
Chromebooks need to be connected to the internet
in order for the student to login.
Here is how to check your connection.
Click on World Icon for Instructions.
What are Accessibility Tools?
Chromebooks come with a variety of built-in accessibility features
that you can use to make your students’ interactions
with their devices moreengaging.
Click on the Gear Icon for more information and guidance.
Keep Your Chromebook Up To Date
Fix any problems and help make your '
computer run better by updating
the Chrome OS.
Splitting Your Screen
If you are on a Chromebook and need to use
Google Meet/Video AND complete an assignment, y
ou can split your screen. Click HERE to see how.
Getting to Parent Portal
Tyler SIS Parent Portal is a resource that parents/guardians may
use to check your student's most up-to-date academic progress.
Click on the Tyler SIS Icon for a quick deomonstration. Spanish Version
How to Send An Email
From the Clever page, students can click on the Gmail icon
and email their teacher.
Click on the Gmail Icon for a quick deomonstration.
How to Reply To An Email
From the Clever page, students can click on the Gmail icon
and see message from their teacher.
Click on the Gmail Iconfor a quick deomonstration on how
to reply to your teacher email.
Join A Google Meet
Another way to communicate with your teacher is
virtually through Google Meet.
Students will receive an email invitation or a Google Classroom Invitation.
Click on the Camera Icon for a deomonstration.
REMIND: Receive messages from your Teachers
We are excited to share that RCPS is rolling out Remind district-wide! If you're not already familiar with Remind, it's a classroom communication tool that makes it easy to stay involved with your child's learning. Remind is free to use, and you'll be able to get and send messages on any device—even a simple text message from your phone!
As part of this rollout, official accounts will be created for all the educators, parents, and students at RCPS. You should receive an email or text message from Remind. All you need to do is follow the steps in the message to finish setting up your account. Here is a video demo to see how Remind works.
We're excited to make connecting with our families more engaging!
Cleaning Out Your Inbox
Attention Students: Is your Gmail inbox overflowing
with unread messages?
Do you miss important emails?
For tips on cleaning out your Gmail inbox, click on the icon.
Basic Features
Google Classrom is our distrcits main platform for
delivering instructional material.
Click on the Google Classroom Icon to watch a video
on how Google Classroom works!
Using DocHub to Write on a pdf
Students can write over a pdf with DocHub.
This video will show how to use DocHub as well as
how to add your new document to a Google Classroom assignment.
Click on the DocHub Icon to see demonstration.
Guardian Summaries
Guardian Summaries in Google Classroom Frequently Asked Questions!
Creating New Files in Your Google Drive
Students can create new documents, slideshows and more
within the Google Drive Application.
Click on the Drive Icon
to see a quick demonstration.
Creating Folders in Your Google Drive
Students can create new folders within the
Google Drive Application to help keep them organized.
Click on the Drive Icon
to see a quick demonstration.