• MRMS School Counseling

Newsletters & Announcements

  • Who We Are: School Counselors support students by helping them grow academically, personally, and socially. We help students become motivated learners and encourage them to discuss concerns with their parents or guardians. When students work through their social and emotional issues with the help of their parents or guardians and school counselor, they are able to devote attention and energy to doing their best in school. Counselors work with students in a variety of different capacities, whether it is through classroom lessons, small groups, or individual counseling meetings. We collaborate with teachers, parents, and community agencies in order to help students be successful at school.

    What We Do: Counselors work directly with students in individual and group counseling sessions as well as in classroom lessons to help students:

    • Adjust to a new school
    • Be successful in school
    • Establish effective study skills
    • Set and accomplish academic goals
    • Explore career possibilities
    • Build positive feelings towards self and others
    • Develop skills in interacting and communicating with others
    • Develop conflict resolution skills
    • Cope with change
    • Become responsible for their behavior
    • Receive crisis intervention when necessary

    Contact Us! We welcome all opportunities to speak with you about your child. Due to the many responsibilities school counselors have during the school day, there is no guarantee we will be available to meet if you “drop in.” Please call or email your child’s counselor to schedule an appointment in advance.


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Word cloud with multiple words including school counseling, career, and academics
  • Students: If you need to speak with your counselor please put in a request through e-hall pass or email us.

    Parents/Guardians: If you need to speak with one of the School Counselors, please call MRMS at 540-463-3129 or email us. 

    Tori Schwarzmann (Last names A - K): tori_schwarzmann@rockbridge.k12.va.us

    Parents: Feel free to use this link to book an appointment with Mrs. Schwarzmann 

    Leyna Hansley (Last names L - Z): leyna_hansley@rockbridge.k12.va.us

  • Mission

    The mission of the MRMS school counseling program is to facilitate all students’ academic, career, and personal/social growth in a safe and nurturing environment. Through collaboration and partnerships with educators, parents/guardians, students, and the community, the school counselors encourage students to be productive citizens and effective lifelong learners.


    The MRMS School Counseling Department employs two full-time counselors who offer a variety of services and programs designed to meet individual needs and enhance student development. The program consists of:

    • Academic Counseling—assists students and their parents to acquire knowledge of the curricular choices available to students, to plan an Academic and Career Plan, to interpret academic testing, and to learn about future post-secondary academic opportunities.


    • Career Counseling—helps students acquire information and to explore future potential jobs, apprenticeships, and post-secondary educational and career opportunities.


    • Personal/Social Counseling—assists students to develop an understanding of themselves and the rights and needs of others; to know how to resolve conflict; and to help to define individual goals, reflecting interests, abilities, and aptitudes.

    The guidance and counseling program is designed to meet as fully as possible the needs and interests of the student. Classroom guidance activities are specifically tailored to address career exploration, introduce postsecondary options, improve study skills and learn how to set and reach goals.

    We counselors encourage students and parents to talk with us about concerns, problems, questions, or suggestions. You may review any material used by the department. We are here to help.