• Attendance Matters!  Paper sheet with books on top and graduation cap

  • We hope to see all students at school all day every day. Absences, even if excused for legitimate reasons, cause students to fall behind in their studies. 

    Attendance Procedures

    If your child is absent, please call the school to account for the absence as early in the day as possible.

    Acceptable reasons for an absence and/or tardiness to school include:

    • Personal illness (if over two days, a note from a doctor is required)
    • Family vacation (must notify the school at least one week in advance)
    • Documented court appearance
    • Death in the family
    • Religious holidays
    • Extenuating circumstances which are determined by the school administration

    If you are taking a vacation or know of a planned extended absence, please notify the school in writing in advance.

    You may request makeup work by directly contacting your child’s teachers via email. If you do not have access to a computer, please call the main office to request paper copies of work. Students are responsible for completing all missed work, even if the absence is excused.

    When Should You Keep Your Child Home?

    You, as the parent, are the best judge of whether to send your child to school or keep him/her home. A sick child will not be focused enough to learn and he/she has the potential to be exposed to even more germs from school. Give their system time to recuperate. Your child should be kept home from school if he/she:

    • Has a communicable disease e.g. flu, stomach or intestinal virus.
    • Fever of 100 or more within the last 24hrs. Your child should be fever free for 24 hrs. before returning to school.
    • Vomiting/diarrhea within the last 24hrs.
    • Pain that requires the use of narcotic medications.
    • An upper respiratory illness with significant coughing and/or nasal discharge.

    Multiple Absence Procedures

    Once your student has missed 5 days, you will receive a letter in the mail notifying you that a meeting has been scheduled to create an attendance plan.  You and your child should expect to attend this meeting and will complete an attendance plan with school personnel. 

    Once your student has missed 7 days, you will receive a letter in the mail with the date and time of a follow-up attendance meeting. You and your child should expect to attend this meeting and will review the attendance contract with school personnel. 

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