• Enrollment Procedures  picture of cartoon bus with 3 students

  • Students enrolling at MRMS must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and must provide proof of address.

    When you come to your appointment with the registrar, please bring the following documents with you:

    • An official certified copy of the child’s birth record (a photocopy is not acceptable). If a certified copy cannot be obtained, the person enrolling the child must submit a sworn statement setting forth the child’s age and explaining the inability to present a certified copy of the birth record.
    • Documentation/proof of residence (gas bill, rental agreement, water bill, etc.)
    • Social Security Number
    • Documentation indicating that the child has received the required immunizations. They include:
      • DPT or DTap - at least one dose of DTap or DTP after 4th birthday unless received 6 doses before 4th birthday.
      • 3 Polio - at least one dose after 4th birthday unless received 4 doses of all OPV or all IPV prior to 4th birthday.
      • 2 Measles - 1st dose on/after 12 months of age; 2nd dose prior to entering kindergarten.
      • 1 Mumps - on/after 12 months of age.
      • 1 Rubella - on/after 12 months of age. Note: Measles, Mumps, Rubella requirements also met by 2 MMR - 1st dose on/after 12 months of age; 2nd dose prior to entering kindergarten.
      • Hepatitis B - 3 doses required (2 doses if Merck adult formulation given between 11-15 years of age).
      • 1 Varicella - to susceptible children born on/after January 1, 1997, dose on/after 12 months of age.
      • Tdap - booster required for entry into 7th grade if at least 5 years since last tetanus containing vaccine.

    It is also helpful if you can provide a transcript, test scores, and a report card from the former school.

    After you have met with our registrar, we will send a request of records from your former school.

    Meeting with Your Assigned School Counselor

    Upon receiving records from your former school, your student's assigned counselor will call you to schedule a registration appointment. During this appointment, the counselor will help you and your child become familiar with the school and develop a course schedule that will meet your child's academic needs and career goals.